Dataclass utils#

Dataclasses validation#

Allow to automatically apply some normalization/validation to the attributes.

class A:
  path: epath.Path = edc.field(validate=epath.Path)
  x: int = edc.field(validate=lambda x: -x, default=5)

a = A(path='/some/path')  # Inputs auto-normalized `str` -> `epath.Path`
assert isinstance(a.path, epath.Path)
assert a.x == -5

a.x = 3
assert a.x == -3  # `validate` applied on all assignments

2 forms exists:

  • Using edc.field: like dataclasses.field but with an additional validate= kwarg.

    class A:
      path: epath.Path = edc.field(validate=epath.Path)

    This works on any @dataclasses.dataclass (including frozen=True).

    validate= can be any Callable[[In], Out] applied on the input.

  • Using edc.dataclass with edc.AutoCast[T]. This only works for class types.

    class A:
      path: edc.AutoCast[epath.Path]

This can be used with @gin.configurable to auto-convert builtins (str, int, …) from the config into their corresponding semantic type (pathlib.Path, MyEnum,…) in Python.

Mutate nested frozen dataclasses#

allow_unfrozen: Allow to mutate deeply-nested dataclasses by adding unfrozen() / frozen() methods.


class A:
  x: Any = None
  y: Any = None

old_a = A(x=A(x=A()))

# After a is unfrozen, the updates on nested attributes will be propagated
# to the top-level parent.
a = old_a.unfrozen()
a.x.x.x = 123
a.x.y = 'abc'
a = a.frozen()  # `frozen()` recursively call `dataclasses.replace`

# Only the `unfrozen` object is mutated. Not the original one.
assert a == A(x=A(x=A(x = 123), y='abc'))
assert old_a == A(x=A(x=A()))

Wrap fields around ContextVar#

Fields annotated with edc.ContextVar will be wrapped around contextvars.ContextVar.

Afterward each thread / asyncio coroutine will have its own version of the fields (similarly to threading.local).

The contextvars are lazily initialized at first usage. They do not need to have default values.


class Context:
  thread_id: edc.ContextVar[int] = dataclasses.field(

  # Local stack: each thread will use its own instance of the stack
  stack: edc.ContextVar[list[str]] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)

  # Shared stack: Instance shared across all threads / coroutines
  shared_stack: list[str] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=list)

# Global context object
context = Context(thread_id=0)

def worker():
  # Inside each thread, the worker use its own context
  assert context.thread_id != 0
  assert len(context.stack) == 1  # Other workers do not modify the local stack

with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
  for _ in range(10):

Other augmentations#

@edc.dataclass(**options) augment dataclasses with additional features. It works with both dataclasses.dataclass and chex.dataclass.

  • kw_only: (False by default) Make the __init__ only accept keyword arguments

  • replace: Add a .replace( member (alias of dataclasses.dataclass)

  • repr: Make the class __repr__ returns a pretty-printed str

    class A:
      x: Any = None
      y: Any = None
    assert repr(A(123, A(y=456))) == """A(