API design principles#

Good practices for designing APIs, mainly targeted for Python.

Miller’s law and cognitive overhead#

The human brain has a limited capacity that is well known by neuroscientists. It cannot store more than 7±2 information (chunks) at the same time (5 on a bad day).

This fact is known as Miller’s law:

  • https://lawsofux.com/millers-law/

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Magical_Number_Seven,_Plus_or_Minus_Two

A chunk is the largest meaningful unit that the person recognizes. For example, 12031982 is difficult to parse for our brain (since 8 digits exceed our number of registers), while 12 03 1982 is quite easy (as we chunk the information into 3 pieces, each already known (dates), and therefore much easier to process).

How this apply to API design ?#

The same principles apply to API design. The main goal of API design is to reduce the cognitive overhead by chunking logic into higher level abstractions.

For example, the following code generates uniformly distributed numbers between 50 and 250:

x = 50 + random.random() * 200

That might look simple, but for someone new reading the code, understanding the semantic already take up 3 cognitive registers (out of the limited 7±2). By opposition, the following code is semantically exactly equivalent:

x = random.uniform(50, 200)

It’s about the same number of characters, but like the number example, it takes much less mental capacity because it wraps the logic into a higher abstraction, therefore only taking a single register.

Now we can take more a complicated example. What is this code doing?

x = [vals[int(random.random() * len(vals))] for i in range(10)]

This is a single line of code that only uses very standard primitives, so it should be simple. However, this takes more registers than our brain can handle, so parsing this code requires quite a cognitive effort (~1min), just for a single line!

Writing good code is about reducing the number of registers required. For example:

x = [vals[random.randint(len(vals))] for i in range(10)]

Which can be simplified even further:

x = random.choices(vals, k=10)

Because the logic is wrapped inside an abstraction, it’s very easy to parse and understand.

Practical examples#

The above concepts might sound trivial, but every API could be simplified:

  • Using jax.jit require functools.partial, taking up 1 register for no good reason:

    @functools.partial(jax.jit, static_argnames=('self',))
    def my_func_jit(self, x):
    def my_func_jit(self, x):
  • Jax array sharding might only use simple primitives, however writing an end-to-end example takes too many lines. This should be a good signal a higher level abstraction is required:

    local_shape = local_array.shape
    global_mesh = Mesh(np.array(jax.devices()), ('devices'))
    global_shape = (jax.process_count() * local_shape[0], ) + local_shape[1:]
    arrays = jax.device_put(
        np.split(local_array, len(global_mesh.local_devices), axis = 0),
    sharding = jax.sharding.NamedSharding(global_mesh, P(('devices'), ))
    array = jax.make_array_from_single_device_arrays(global_shape, sharding, arrays)

    Parsing this code requires the user to read each line to reverse engineer the logic behind the code. Someone new reading this code will have no idea this snippet is doing data-parallel shading.

    Jax could instead provide simpler abstractions, so users can write code that users directly understand, such as:

    array = jax.device_put(array, jax.sharding.SHARDED)

    When the libraries you’re using don’t provide good abstractions, you will have to create your own (e.g. the kd.sharding.SHARDED from this example was implemented in Kauldron).

High level#

Start by the end-user code#

Before designing any abstraction, start by writing the end-user final code. What should the final code look like ? (independently of any technical concerns).

It’s also helpful to work with a real use-case. Take an existing code, and rewrite it with your imaginary ideal API to see whether this will actually make things simpler.

Don’t start implementing before having some idea of the end-user API (it does not need to be final).

Limit entry points#

Ideally, there should be a single way of using the API. Limiting the number of entry points reduce the mental burden for the user.

Each feature should be kept as a separate entity which can be used independently.


  • Originally, TFDS had many ways of loading a dataset:

    ds = tfds.load('mnist')
    ds = tfds.load_as_numpy('mnist')
    ds = tfds.builder('mnist').as_dataset()
    ds = tfds.builder('mnist').as_numpy()
    ds = tfds.as_numpy(ds)

    This added redundancy, unclarity (what’s the difference between each option?), maintenance burden (to support all options).

    The new API limit the entry points to the minimum:

    # Low level API
    ds = tfds.builder('mnist').as_dataset()
    # High level API
    ds = tfds.load('mnist')
    # tf -> np conversion
    ds = tfds.as_numpy(ds)
  • If 2 arguments are mutually exclusive, it might be a sign they should be merged into a single one.

    # Rather than:
    fn(shuffle=True, shuffle_seed=123)
    # What is the behavior when `shuffle_seed` is set but `shuffle=False` ?
    # Should it be an error ? Should it silently ignore the seed ?
    # Using a single argument remove the ambiguity
    # By design, users cannot misuse the API

As new features are added, it is tempting to add new entry points. However, you should think carefully whether it would be best to instead integrate those with the existing entry points.

Don’t compromise between simplicity and customizability#

Good APIs are simple by default, but powerful when needed.

As more option/features are added, one should be careful about keeping the API itself simple.

To avoid this, there are multiple strategies.

  • Make sure simple use-cases work out of the box

    Set default arguments / option / behavior to match the most common use-case. This means that most users can use the API as-is without any option.

  • Power-users can trade this simplicity for more verbosity.

    • Complexity should be wrapped behind simpler abstractions.

    • Use protocols/interfaces to allow users extend your features.

Inject logic through protocols#

Function / class often control multiple features. Rather than implementing the features directly inside the class, it can be preferable to move the feature implementation in a separate abstraction.


# Logic defined inside the implementation
sample(num_points=100, strategy='uniform')

# Logic injected through protocol
sample(num_points=100, strategy=UniformSampling())

Externalisation of the implementation allow greater customizability/modularity:

  • User can augment your functions for their custom needs directly in their codebase, without having to send a PR (e.g. add a strategy=WeigthedSampling(weights=...)).

  • Abstractions can be reused in other parts of the code.

Note: It is ok for an argument to accept multiple types. In the above example, you don’t need to choose between accepting str or SamplingProtocol but can support both (the str for the common use-cases and SamplingProtocol for power-users).

Features should be self-contained and independent#

Rather than monolithic API where all features are entangled together, one should try to split the API is a collection of self-contained independent abstractions.

Those abstractions can then be composed together (manually by the user, or with a higher level API). But it should also be possible to use the abstraction independently (without requiring the higher level API).


  • Avoid dependencies between abstractions (e.g. between dataset and model). This was a main pain of tensor2tensor were everything was entangled together.

  • tfds.features API can be used independently of tensorflow_datasets.

Having independent abstractions simplify addoption too, as it allow other users to reuse only the part they need and integrate them to their existing codebase (rather than having to migrate their full codebase to the library/frameworks).

Sometimes, those abstractions can even be moved into a new separate independent module (e.g. v3d.DataclassArray -> dataclass_array.DataclassArray)

Use inheritance wisely#

The main goal of inheritance should be to define interfaces/protocol. And eventually to provide a default implementation/behavior.

  • Avoid deep inheritance chain which makes harder to understand which code is executed.

  • Avoid overwriting methods implemented in the parent class. Instead, add hooks in the parent class to allow either childs to control the behavior, or even to remove the need for inheritance entirely.

Reduce friction#

If you notice yourself writing the same boilerplate code snippet over and over, it likely means it should wrapped in a higher-level abstraction.

Reducing friction was the motivation for many abstractions:

  • Individual colab imports boilerplate replaced by from etils.ecolab.lazy_imports import *

  • Colab media.show_images boilerplate replaced by ecolab.auto_plot_images()

  • Manual GitHub release automated with etils-actions/pypi-auto-publish marketplace/actions

One limitation is that too many “magic” abstractions can hurt new users to understand the code. For uncommon operations, it is sometimes best to be more verbose / explicit.

API should be self-documenting#

Do not rely on people reading the docstring.

Caveats/ambiguities should be made explicit by the API, or raise an explicit error.

If reading the code does not match user expectations, this should be a bug.

The first time is never the good one#

When designing an API, there will be use-cases that weren’t anticipated, or issues which will conflict with design choices.

API design is an iterative process. The perfect API do not exists. It often takes multiple trials. Experience from previous projects get accumulated into new ones:

  • tensor2tensor -> tensorflow_datasets

  • jax3d.nerfstatic ->visu3d

Don’t be afraid of refactoring#

As the API evolves, features start to be duplicated, arguments start to be obsolete, complexity increases… To reduce the API surface to keep things minimal, it’s important to regularly deprecate and remove symbols and arguments, or to re-organize symbols in a more structured way.

Of course, there’s a balance between breaking users and keeping things simple, but over the long term, the short user disruption is often worth it.

There is no absolute rule#

All rules in this doc should be context dependent and have many exceptions.

Low level#

Use Pythonic patterns#

Python has many language features that other languages don’t. So good practices in other languages might not apply to Python.

Writing Python code should use the language features which makes Python more readable.

  • Avoid unnecessary packaging in favor of simpler imports (use __init__.py)

  • Use @property (a.name) instead of getters/setters (a.get_name())

  • Use contextmanager to factor recurring setup/teardown logic:

    Rather than:

    ne = NetworkElement('')
      data = ne.fetch_data()


    with NetworkElement('') as ne:
      data = ne.fetch_data()
  • Use dunder methods:

    • __getitem__: x.fetch_index(i) -> x[i]

    • __len__: x.num_elems -> len(x)

Use __init__.py#

The public user API should be explicitly defined in your project’s __init__.py file.

Having an explicit API has many benefits:

  • Limit entry points: users only have a single import, it makes it obvious how to start using the API.

  • Helps discoverability: users can inspect a single file, or rely on auto-completion so see which symbols your project provide

  • Force you to be explicit about which features should be used by users and which are internal (even a public function might be only meant for internal usage only)

  • Having an explicit list of public symbols can make you aware of issue (is there too many symbols which would benefit from being factored into a sub namespace ?)

  • Helps maintenance: You can refactor internal code while keeping the public aliases unchanged

Prefer kwargs-only argument#

Unless the function has some obvious argument order or some main argument, always use kwargs-only signature.

  • This forces users to write more explicit / readable code

  • This makes it much easier to update the signature (add, reorder, remove argument)


# Rather than:
search('france', 10, True)

# What does the above function do ? The `10` and `True` args are obscure.
# Instead:
search('france', limit=10, reverse=True)

The API should force kwarg usage using *, like:

def search(name: str, *, limit: int, reverse: bool)

Don’t return tuple#

When returning multiple unrelated values, rather than returning tuple, return structured data, like dataclass.

Returning tuple is fragile as:

  • User is forced to remember the exact order returned by your function. It is painful to use and easy to get wrong

  • If in the future, fn signature is updated (e.g. to return additional value), this will break all users

Using dataclass reduce the mental burden. For example users can rely on auto-complete to discover the output fields. By design, users cannot get the argument order wrong.


# Fragile:
y, loss, grad = fn()

# Instead:
out = fn()  # `fn() -> FnOutput`
out.loss  # User can rely on auto-complete, which help discoverability

Reduce verbosity (when possible)#

It is a good programing practice to give explicit code (good variable names, semantic type rather than builtins,…). However, sometimes it might actually make the API worse by adding verbosity without giving more information.


  • Names can be shortened to avoid redundancy, or that one part does not bring information:

    • tree.tree_map -> tree.map

    • tfds.features.FeatureConnector -> tfds.features.Feature

  • Function arguments which accept a verbose explicit form can sometimes be updated to additionally accept a more user-friendly shortened form. For example:

    • enum to also accept their str equivalent:

    • In TFDS, scalar features can be expressed as dtype:

      features={'value': tfds.features.Tensor(shape=(), dtype=tf.int64)}
      features={'value': tf.int64}

    Internally, the short human friendly version gets normalized into the boilerplate semantically typed one.

A bad error message is a bug#

Just by looking at the error, users should understand why they got the error and how to solve it.

  • When the error is raised deeply inside the codebase, epy.reraise allow to add high-level context to the error message.

  • Error message should indicates which of function argument is responsible for the error

  • When relevant, use hint (Got y, did you mean xinstead ?), using difflib.get_close_matches

  • This was also the motivation behind colored_traceback

Prefer immutable types#

Mutability makes it hard to understand the code without having to deeply inspect the source code.


# Rather than:

class MyModel:

  def __call__(self, x):
    return self.y

# Someone who inspects the code will have a hard time understanding what is happening
# It's best to use explicit input/outputs, making it obvious what each function does

class MyModel:

  def __call__(self, x):
    features = self._compute_features(x)
    y = self._predict(features)
    return y

Prefer functions to methods#

If a method don’t use self, it should likely be a function. When someone see the code:

y = a.fn(x)

What does y depend of ? Because fn is a method, it’s unclear whether there is hidden inputs / outputs (does fn has side effects ?). Additionally, subclass of A can overwrite the method, making it harder to understand which code get actually executed.

By opposition to:

y = fn(x)

The function makes it more clear that there’s no hidden inputs/outputs.